Electrical Services

Electrical Services – Commercial

WMcA has in-house capabilities for design, installation and ongoing maintenance of commercial electrical installations.

Over the last 48 years WMcA has been involved with many new buildings and alterations around Hobart and Tasmania. These have included hospitals, schools, office buildings, residential developments, clubs, arenas, hostels and large commercial developments. We have established an excellent reputation in these area of work.

WMcA has also branched into building automation. We have completed several projects and are in the process of being endorsed by Clipsal to install C-Bus Controls.

WMcA is experienced in the following fields of Electrical Services:

  • General lighting
  • Emergency and evacuation lighting
  • Building automation
  • Switchboards
  • General power distribution
  • Generators
  • Uninterruptable Power Supplies (UPS)

Coupled with our Fire Detection, Security and Communications Divisions we can provide a total electrical solution.

WMcA is an authorized service partner of APC electrical equipment.